SPONSORING children's homes IN SRI LANKA

NGO in Lambesc France (13)

The Association

After the tsunami that hit South East Asia in December 2004, "le Relais" in Lambesc, Bouches du Rhône, launched a project to sponsor children in orphanages in Sri Lanka, a small island south of India, which had been badly hit by the wave, but which was also the scene of over 20 years of civil war (ended in 2009). Nowadays, as in most developing countries, its population has to deal with the increase in food prices.: In 2015 Solidarité Enfants Sri Lanka was created to take over from Le Relais

"Lambesc Children’s Foundation” (LCF) is based in Colombo. It is a group of good-willed Sri Lankans. The foundation receives and distributes our donations. It manages several accounts : sponsoring the homes, structure account, vocational fund.

Choose how you sponsor

Every euro goes to the children

1 .Become a member of our association. Annual fee = 10€. The fees are used to cover our expenses (minimal) and the rest is sent to the children’s homes.

2. Set up a regular donation of 1) 30€ per month. 2) 15€ per month. 3) 10€ per month. 4) 7€ per month..

Of the 30€ and 15€ donations, 1€ remains in France to compensate for donors who drop out during the year. The amount leftover at the end of the year is transferred to LCF’s vocational fund.

Choose who you help

There are few real orphans (no mother or father). In most cases, the mother finds herself alone with no home and no income to feed her children. Placing one or more children in an institution assures the mother that they will be fed and be able to go to school. It may happen that the child returns to live with the mother if her situation improves. Sometimes the children are placed in homes by the social services due to parental negligence or mistreatment.

As a regular donor, you can choose to 1) help a home for boys and girls in NE Sri Lanka (formerly a conflict zone). 2) Help a small home for girls in SW Sri Lanka. 3) Structure donor (help the homes buy articles they need e.g. mosquito nets, linen, shoes).

The sponsors receive letters/cards from the children. You may correspond with them if you wish.